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What should the worklog look like?
Updated over a year ago

Clients prefer to see time logged in 6 minute increments, as this adheres with most company outside counsel billing guidelines.

Linking the worklog description to a project name, team member you worked with or the name of the client you had the meeting with can serve to refresh the client on your task during review.

For detailed descriptions, the guideline is to have a 1-sentence for a worklog that is around 1-3 hours long, a 2-sentence description for a worklog for 3-5 hours, and so on. The longer the worklog duration is, the more specific and detailed the description should be.

Some examples:


Duration of Worklog

Why we like this description

Onboarding meeting call with team member Jerry

0-.50 hour

Short description on task performed

Review material for Industry Master Service Agreement

.50-2 hours

1 sentence description on task performed

(1) Updating ABC workflow table and integration of JKL project design. (2) Reviewed and replied to emails regarding YUI assignment.

2-4 hours

2 sentence description on tasks performed and references contract/project name.

(1) Review and respond to email correspondence on various active matters. (2) Follow up with Ashish regarding Client Onboarding SOW; feedback re same in Notion. (3) Review of JKL project for Raad; review of underlying JKL MSA; response to same. (4) Prep for weekly RE Team Meeting; had Weekly RE Team Meeting, notes and feedback re same. (5) Updating policies based on information provided by Client correspondence

4-6 hours

3-4 sentence description on tasks performed, references contracts worked on and team member at engaged company.

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